
2023年11月2日8点.30 a.m. 缺钱



Unless otherwise specified, the figures in brackets refer to the year-on-year comparison period.


  • 净销售额减少了17%.4%,共计35欧元.2 (42.6)万.
  • 调整后经营业绩下降52.4%,共计0欧元.5 (1.1)万.
  • 经营业绩增加至0欧元.5 (-4.8) million; the result for the comparison period included impairment of development expenditure in the amount of EUR 5.400万年.
  • 调整后每股收益减少24.9%,共计0欧元.03 (0.04).
  • 每股收益增加到0欧元.03 (-0.22).
  • 经营活动产生的现金流显著增加,达到了0欧元.9 (-9.7)万.
  • 收到的订单减少了5.0%兑46欧元.4 (48.9)万.


  • 净销售额增长了1%.4%,共计120欧元.7 (119.0)万.
  • 调整后经营业绩增长68%.1%,共计2欧元.6 (1.5)万.
  • 经营业绩增加至1欧元.8 (-4.5)万; the result for the comparison period included impairment of development expenditure in the amount of EUR 5.400万年. 
  • 调整后每股收益增加至0欧元.19 (-0.03).
  • 每股收益增加到0欧元.15 (-0.30).
  • 经营现金流量 increased significantly, amounting to EUR 12.6 (-10.3)万.
  • 收到的订单减少了24.5%兑117欧元.5 (155.6)万.
  • 订单减少了11份.2%,共计129欧元.0 (145.3)万.
  • The Belgian tax reassessment decision issued in 2022 was overturned in March in accordance with 电话este's request, 这导致了1欧元的积极影响.7 million on income taxes in the income statement during the first quarter. This also had a positive impact on the result and earnings per share for the reporting period (EUR +0.09).
  • The engineering and services businesses of the 宽带网络业务 in Switzerland was successfully divested in June.


电话este specifies the future outlook and financial guidance issued in the financial statements bulletin on 9 February 2023. 电话este now estimates that net sales in 2023 will amount to EUR 150-160 million and that the adjusted operating result in 2023 will be EUR 2-3 million.

以前, 电话este estimated that net sales in 2023 will amount to EUR 150-175 million and that the adjusted operating result in 2023 will be EUR 2-5 million.

The reason for the specification of the financial guidance range is the weakened market demand in the second half of the year, 特别是在宽带网络业务部门. The key factors contributing to the weaker demand include the overall deteriorated macro-economic situation, 特别是通货膨胀和利率的发展. This has led to operator customers commencing cost-saving measures and cuts to investments, 以及优化自己的缓冲库存. There are also signs that network investments in Europe are starting to shift to next-generation technologies, 这减少了对上一代产品的需求. 


百万欧元 7-9/23 7-9/22 改变  1-9/23  1-9/22 改变 2022
订单收到了 46.4 48.9 -5.0% 117.5 155.6 -24.5% 188.5
订单 129.0 145.3 -11.2% 132.2
净销售额 35.2 42.6 -17.4% 120.7 119.0 1.4% 165.0
调整后的息税前利润 1) 0.5 1.1 -52.4% 2.6 1.5 68.1% 2.0
    调整后息税前利润,% 1) 1.5% 2.6% 2.1% 1.3% 1.2%
息税前利润 0.5 -4.8 n/a 1.8 -4.5 n/a -4.8
     息税前利润,% 1.4% -11.3% 1.5% -3.8% -2.9%
期间的结果 0.3 -4.2 n/a 2.3 -5.6 n/a -5.9
调整后每股收益(欧元) 1) 0.03 0.04 -24.9% 0.19 -0.03 n/a -0.01
每股收益,欧元 0.03 -0.22 n/a 0.15 -0.30 n/a -0.31
经营现金流量 0.9 -9.7 n/a 12.6 -10.3 n/a -7.8
净负债率,% 42.8% 60.6% 61.2%
权益比率,% 48.2% 41.2% 39.7%
期末人员(FTE) 789 855 -7.7% 844

1) An alternative performance measure defined in the tables section of the report.

CEO Esa Harju评论:

“在第三季度, orders received recovered to a better level than in the preceding quarter, 订单也增加了. 净销售额及调整后经营业绩同比下降. 经营现金流量 remained positive for the fourth consecutive quarter. 

在宽带网络业务方面, orders received recovered after the weak second quarter but were lower than in the comparison period. 净销售额同比大幅下降. This was in line with our expectations and reflected our previous predictions of a more difficult second half to the year in the 宽带网络业务.

在公共安全和移动业务, 订单量同比增加,回升至良好水平, 净销售额与同期持平. The profitability improvement measures initiated last year have had a positive effect on the business, and the worst margin erosion challenges caused by the component crisis have gradually begun to alleviate.

由于下半年的形势更加困难, 十大可靠彩票平台现在已经确定了2023年的财务指导范围. 如上文指导说明所述, this is particularly due to lower demand in the 宽带网络业务 unit. 需求受到宏观经济大环境疲软的影响, 欧洲运营商客户的成本节约措施, 削减投资和优化缓冲库存, as well as a shift of network investments towards the next generation technologies. 因此, as well as due to the effect from the divestment of the Swiss services business, we expect the net sales of the 宽带网络业务 to decrease substantially year-on-year in the fourth quarter. We expect the net sales of the 公共安全和移动业务 to remain at the level of the first half of the year, although projects in the delivery phase involve schedule and margin risks.

We expect the slowing of network operators' investments to also have an effect the outlook for 2024 in the 宽带网络业务. It is presently difficult to predict the timing of the recovery of the European market. 北美网络市场也有放缓的迹象, 随着运营商推迟和缩减计划投资. Our network deliveries in North America are now expected to commence in the first half of 2024 and affect net sales gradually as 2024 progresses. 在公共安全和移动业务, 十大可靠彩票平台目前预计2024年净销售额将保持稳定或略有增长. Many significant rolling stock manufacturer projects that are already in the order book will continue, and we aim to complement these by seeking an increasingly strong position among public transport operators and particularly in the maintenance business. 

We will continue to adjust all of the company’s expenses in 芬兰 and internationally. The change negotiations commenced in 芬兰 on 31 August 2023 led to 18 permanent redundancies and a number of temporary lay-offs. 营业费用的调整将在2024年继续进行. We will also continue to clarify our group structure and move our business units under separate legal entities. This will improve the operational control of the businesses and increase the flexibility of the operations of the business units.”


Esa Harju

Juha Hyytiainen

电话. +358 2 2605 611


电话este offers an integrated product and service portfolio that makes it possible to build and run a better networked society. 十大可靠彩票平台的解决方案为您带来电视和宽带服务, secure your safety in public places and guide your use of public transport. 具有丰富的行业经验和创新精神, 十大可靠彩票平台是宽带领域的国际领先公司, 安全和信息技术及相关服务. We connect with our customers through a global network of offices and partners. In 2022, 电话este's net sales reached EUR 165 million and it had approxima电话y 860 employees. 电话este在赫尔辛基纳斯达克上市. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.泰来斯特.com